2022 — The year of the Arc Line

Supriya Kini
3 min readFeb 10, 2022


P.C — Unsplash @Brutus

2+0+2+2 delivers us the number of the Arc Line = 6!
From a Kundalini Yoga perspective, we have 10 Light Bodies of Consciousness. The sixth body is the Arc Line body.

Kundalini Yoga is called the Yoga of Awareness. It is a dynamic, powerful tool that is designed to give you an experience of your Soul.
In Kundalini Yoga we harness the mental, physical, and nervous energies of the body and put them under the domain of the will, which is the instrument of the Soul. This technology precisely and consciously combines breath, mudra, eye-focus, mantra, body locks, and postures to balance the glandular system, strengthen the nervous system, expand lung capacity, and purify the blood. It brings balance to the body, mind, and Soul.

Have you seen photos of Saints with a halo around their heads?
That halo is a light reflection of their Arcline. The Arc Line is an energy force that sits above us in the area above the head around the hairline.
Everyone has an Arc Line. Our Arc Line is part of our Auric field and is seen above the head (from earlobe to earlobe) and also nipple to nipple for those who identify as women.

The Arc Line is considered the nucleus of the Aura and a bridge between the physical and heavenly worlds. The theme and role of the Arc Line is all about Awareness, Intuition, Personal Integrity, Justice, and Destiny.
The number 6 is all about a flower where its petals are in FULL BLOOM.

Our Arc Lines hold imprints from the past, and working with them allows us to clear our karmic patterns. The clearer and brighter the Arcline, the more conscious, alig,ned and effective the expression of our Soul in and through the body-mind. A vibrant Arcline allows for a sensitive and magnetic presence that shines bright both to protect and project.

It is the strength of your Arcline by which you live. The strength of your body, your doing, and your strength of projection lie in your Arc Body.
~ Siri Atma

The Arc Line is all about intuitive living as it is directly connected to the pituitary gland that helps one connect to the Higher Self and Soul. Clarity is its gift. An unbroken balanced Arc Line helps us channel wisdom from beyond the conscious field.

This energy band holds a tremendous amount of divine power — a frequency that writes one’s destiny and brings us to our authentic success.
The Arc Line is what determines a Spiritual warrior’s effectiveness in creating the change that is being called through them. It allows them to navigate challenging times with grace, fearlessness, and divine timing while serving the highest good.

Want to strengthen your Arc Line? Here is a simple exercise. For the next 40 days — simply speak your truth and nothing but the truth. Speak to connect deeply and represent the truth as best as you see it in any given situation with compassion.

More @ https://supriyakini.com/arclineinsightpractice

AWAKENED CONVERSATIONS with Kundalini Yoga Teacher Siri Bahadurji.
Please join us this Friday, Feb 11th 2022, 1:00 pm at the Mystery School Members Circle as we deepen into understanding the importance of the Arc Line this year.
Siri Bahadur has been practicing and teaching Kundalini Yoga for more than forty years. His search for wisdom and the relevance of the spiritual journey has brought several different disciplines to contribute to the suggestions he uses in teaching his current yoga sessions. Outreach includes drop-in yoga classes, teacher training course delivery, workshops and private yoga counseling, and sound alignment sessions. He employs breath, meditation, and music as well as gong and crystal bowls to create alignment with the conscious Self as it relates to Universal Life Experience.
More about Siri Bahadurji here.

Wahe Guruji Da Khalsa. Wahe Guruji Di Fateh.

The Aquarian Teacher — Level 1 Textbook — Yogi Bhajan
Ten Light Bodies of Consciousness — Nirvair Singh Khalsa https://www.3ho.org/kundalini-yoga



Supriya Kini
Supriya Kini

Written by Supriya Kini

An avid consciousness explorer of the Mind-Body-Spirit Self and advocate of living the life that we are, in and as Awareness. www.supriyakini.com

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