Ganesha Chaturthi
This past weekend in India, we celebrated another one of our most prominent festivals called Ganesh Chaturthi.
The birthday of our beloved Elephant headed deity Lord Ganesha.
This festival that arrives during the Lunar month of the Bhadrapada and on the 4th day of the waxing (Shukla Paksha) Moon is considered most auspicious in the family lineage I come from.
Especially in the central part of India in Maharashtra, this festival is celebrated with much pomp and gaiety by decorating large and small idols of Ganesha.
Here are two videos that give you a peek into the celebration.
Lord Ganesha also called Ganapati means the ruler of (Esha/Pati) of all Forms/People (Ganas). Ganesha is a symbol for the primal energy — the first manifestation of formless Consciousness as it comes into energy form that resides in our Root Chakra/Mooladhara.
He is therefore considered the first son of Shiva (unmanifested Consciousness) and Parvati/Gowri (Shakti — that creates the world of all forms).
Shiva, the dormant seed of all possibility, moves as Shakti in the energy we call Parvathi/Gowri, an expression of pure unconditional Love.
All that we see, experience, and live in the world of form is therefore born from and is pure Love.
On the day of the Ganesha Chaturthi, we pray to Shiva and Gowri as well, acknowledging that the existence and power of Ganesha cannot be a possibility without them.
In the Vedas
The Vedas also speak of Ganesha in the Upanishads.
Shri Ganapati Atharvasirsha Upanishad found in the Atharvaveda is considered an essential Vedic text on Lord Ganesha.
Ganeshavidya (Knowledge of Ganesh) in this text is equated to living Brahmavidya (Knowledge of the Cosmos).
गणपति अथर्वशीर्ष
Ganapati Atharvasirshopanishad is one of the most important written scriptures that help one understand, embody and worship Ganesha energy.
This Upanishad begins by commending Ganesha as the first manifested formless energy of “Tat Tvam asi” — You Are That.
ॐ नमस्ते गणपतये
त्वमेव प्रत्यक्षं तत्त्वमसि ।I revere and acknowledge the one I adore as Ganapati.
You are the first perceptible arising of the All That Is.
This initiating verse, the Adidaivat Pratipaadhak Khand, is one of my favorites as it pretty much encompasses the innate nature of manifested Ganesha energy.
त्वमेव प्रत्यक्षं तत्त्वमसि । त्वमेव केवलं कर्ताऽसि ।
त्वमेव केवलं धर्ताऽसि । त्वमेव केवलं हर्ताऽसि ।
त्वमेव सर्वं खल्विदं ब्रह्मासि । त्वं साक्षादात्माऽसि नित्यम् ॥२॥
ऋतं वच्मि । सत्यं वच्मि ॥३॥Tvam-Eva Pratyakssam Tattvam-Asi |Tvam-Eva Kevalam Kartaa-Asi |
Tvam-Eva Kevalam Dhartaa-Asi |Tvam-Eva Kevalam Hartaa-Asi |
Tvam-Eva Sarvam Khalvu-Idam Brahma-Asi |Tvam Saakssaad-Aatmaa-Asi Nityam ||2||
Rtam Vacmi । Satyam Vacmi ॥3॥
( Ganapati Atharvasirshopanishad -2.1–2.6, 3)You, the one I adore as Ganapati, are the first arising made visible of formless Consciousness.
You are the only Doer — the sole Creator of all that is created.
You sustain.
You are also the Destroyer as you govern the arising as well as the dissolution.
The core nature of You is that which ALL IS.
You are the first perception of the eternal we call Atman.
O’ my Ganapati, you are manifested divine law.
You are the very embodiment of Truth/Absolute Reality.
Mooladhara Chakra
Ganesha, as this first embodiment of Supreme Consciousness in the Mooladhara radiates as the color red. This verse from the Atharvasirshopanishad offers praise to its vermillion grace.
रक्तं लम्बोदरं शूर्पकर्णकं रक्तवाससम् ।
रक्तगन्धानुलिप्ताङ्गं रक्तपुष्पैस्सुपूजितम् ॥This form, seen as a beautiful reddish glow, is large-bellied (Lambodara), signifying Life’s innate abundant generous nature.
He who is adorned in red garments (Rakta Vasam), has large ears like fans (Shurpa Karna). A reminder that our very core nature is of deep listening.
Anointed with red fragrant paste (Rakta Gandha), all worship him as they adorn him with his favorite red Flowers (Rakta Pushpa).
When the energy flowing through this chakra is balanced, it creates a solid foundation for the flow of all the other six chakras.
A balanced Mooladhara energy means the form naturally experiences security, stability, confidence, support, and strength.
Ganesha, therefore in Sanskrit, is admired with epithets such as “Vinayaka,” “Vighneswara,” “Sarvasiddhipradaayakaaya” — the fearless one, the one who is resilient and clears all obstacles and through which all that is auspicious and successful begins.
Being devoted to Ganesha is living the life where one knows that every perceived block, stuckness, or obstacle has a way out.
It is the very reason in India all rituals begin by first praying to Lord Ganapati.
Acknowledging his presence is praising that is which has awakened first — is alive and experiencing itSelf.
As the first manifestation of Shakti, its no wonder that Ganesha holds such a dear place in the hearts of all his devotees.
At the Mooladhara, Ganesha lives as the “Gatekeeper of the threshold” between the manifested and unmanifested world.
Embodying Ganesha energy means expressing the divine intelligence and wisdom that is not from or of the conditioned familiar Mind.
In Pranayama as we do Kapalbhati, we awaken this very same energy.
The generated prana affects all parts of our brain bringing forth Brahma Tejas — Divine effulgence and Brahma Jnana Siddhi — Self realization.
Revered as the patron of Arts and Sciences and the god of intellect and wisdom, when one lives in their Ganesha space, they become the divine tool to bring the gifts and treasures of the unmanifested spiritual world into physicality.
When integrated, the unobstructed flow of Ganesha energy naturally brings forth the experience of Buddhi (Higher knowledge/Wisdom), Siddhi (Perfect completion/Success), and Riddhi (Prosperity/Abundance).
Mantra and Mudra
“Gam” is the beej (seed) mantra of Ganesha.
When invoked, it helps the Body-Mind firmly anchor into the all-encompassing undescribable truth of the two worlds we live in.
The reverberation of this chant in our being eliminates all that does not serve our highest good.
Its resonance helps clear the Mind and helps us release the illusory experiences of Separation (Matsarya), Madam (Pride), Dependent Attachment (Moha), Greed (Lobha), Unserving expressions of Anger (Krodha), and (Desires born from scarcity (Kama), eradicating all dis-eases.
The prolonged utterance of the mantra “Gam” helps one develop Vak shakti or Kavita shakti. The ability and power to speak divine knowledge with clarity and the power to describe the undescribable through poetry and the written word is a gift initiated from a balanced Mooladhara energy.
The Ganesha Mudra is a powerful grounding and heart-opening Mudra.
The times we live in and the Age we are ushering in right now will need us to live from our energetic, intuitive heart.
What does this even mean?
It is an experience we can explore and have as our Body-Mind opens up to when we practice this Mudra by coordinating it with our breath.
(We will be practicing all this in class. Class details at the end of this blog)
The symbol of Ganesha
The personification of Ganesha energy is symbolic. Depicted wearing a red Dhoti, Ganesha is often found decorated with his favorite red Hibiscus flowers and red Sandalwood paste. He is also worshipped with offerings of Akshata — vermillion colored rice — during all poojas.
His this form is also venerated on the holy days of Angarika (red like burned coal) Charturthi.
Through fasting and various rituals all are encouraged to keep their Body-Mind in an aligned state. As energy flows optimally, it naturally allows for seeming miracles of joy and prosperity to occur.
As a pot-bellied Elephant God, his large belly signifies Life’s abundant and generous nature. Life is full, complete, giving and naturally generative.
His broken tusk (Ekadantaya — one tusked), a reminder to stay one-pointed on the nature of the absolute truth (Non Duality).
The large Elephant’s head symbolizes knowledge and wisdom. His large ears a constant reminder to listen to that which lies beyond what is heard easily.
He comfortably rides his Muushikavahana (Mouse).
The Mudgala Purana that is a upapurana includes many stories and ritualistic elements relating to Ganesha, and explains about his vehicle the Mouse.
IshvaraH sarvabhoktaa cha choravattatra saMsthitaH
sa eva muushhakaH prokto manujaanaaM prachaalakaH
maayayaa guuDharuupaH san.h bhogaan.h bhuN^kte hi choravat.h ||The Lord (Ganesha) resides in all things and experiences everything.
He is called muushhaka because He operates unseen like a thief, concealed by maayaa, and experiences all phenomena.
The mouse also seen as a symbol for the things we unconsciously and consciously fear. Creatures that live in the dark and may seem scary but when faced are found to be a part of ourSelf.
On the day of the pooja , this revered God with 108 names is offered Durva (Tender grass blades) and Modaks (Wrapped deep fried or steamed sweetmeats filled with Coconut, Jaggery and Cardamom. Yum!)
As a Kundalini Yogini, I resonate with this verse in the Atharvasirshopanishad.
आविर्भूतं च सृष्ट्यादौ प्रकृतेः पुरुषात्परम् ।
एवं ध्यायति यो नित्यं स योगी योगिनां वरः ॥११॥Bhakta-Anukampinam Devam Jagat-Kaarannam-Acyutam ।
Aavirbhuutam Ca Srssttya[i-A]adau Prakrteh Purussaat-Param ।
Evam Dhyaayati Yo Nityam Sa Yogii Yoginaam Varah ॥11॥This eternal energy that is the Doer, responds to all whose hearts live in the deep love and devotion of the Self.
It is the Sristhi Aadi — the beginning of all creation.
All a manifestation of Nature (Prakriti) and Supreme Consciousness.
All Yogis(nis) who meditate on this truth realize and live their true nature.
As always, NOW is the right time for everything and including welcoming this archetypal energy guru into our lives.
As the Modak that is filled with sweetness, we in and as Ganesha energy recognize that the sweetness we look for and are, always lies within and is us.
Life, simply a grand invitation to take a big bite of it!
As we chant the Ganesha version of the Gayatri Mantra (Universal Prayer), we invoke him into our Body-Mind awareness.
The Ganapati Gayatri Mantra
एकदन्ताय विद्महे वक्रतुण्डाय धीमहि ।
तन्नो दन्तिः प्रचोदयात् ॥१०॥Eka-Dantaaya Vidmahe Vakra-Tunnddaaya Dhiimahi |
Tan-No Dantih Pracodayaat ||10||As we single-mindedly meditate on you.
Completely focused on the curved end
(One with a curved trunk referring to the curved end of the spinal nerves from where Kundalini rises)
May the realization of our non-dual nature (Danti — one tusk) awaken within us.
This Ganesh Chaturthi, may this Mooladhara energy radiate brightly helping us arrive to the truth of what we are beyond perceived fears and insecurities.
May our every breath serve as an opportunity to recognize, live and celebrate the innate Ganesha energy that resides within.
ॐ गं गणपतये नमः
Oṃ gaṃ gaṇapataye namaha
So it is and so it shall be. ❤
P.S: Do we need to know all about Ganesha and its energy, chant mantras, and hold mudras to experience its benefits?
Not necessarily.
These symbolic ways of understanding and depicting energies are simply ways of play in some sense. Practices such as this and rituals such as adorning and adoring idols and dieties helps our Body-Minds remember and retain what we tend to forget. All simply unique ways of devotion to the sacred that is us and all.
These maybe seen as permission slips to acknowledge and embody new and unfamiliar energies more consciously and mindfully.
These practices and rituals, I believe, came about in those times when the Maya (Illusion of the manifested world) was becoming thicker and the access to the clarity of any other Consciousness frequency was more challenging to access.
These rituals were put in place by the Yogrishis/Seers as reminders so we in our Body-Minds could have guidance in the times of perceived darkness, confusion and struggle.
When we live in, and as the true Self, we necessarily do not need to know any of this. We need not live through the Mind and it’s memory. We can simply be fully present to Life and live and express our truth from Presence as Awareness…allowing Life energy that is us to flow and do what it does best naturally!
What truly knows, lives, and expresses already does so beautifully and perfectly. Especially so when the conditioned Mind is out of the way.
P.P.S: This coming week, we will be using some of the Mudras and Mantras to invoke the Ganesha energy in our Pranayama classes. We will also share why this year’s new beginning energy holds a unique opportunity and can help us accelerate towards living our highest intention.
If this resonates, I would love for you to join us!
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