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I Already AM — Meditation and Self-Realization

Supriya Kini


2024 & Beyond. I Already AM — Blog Series

This is the most common and often the first question or comment I hear and receive about meditation.
“It is not for me.”
“I can’t seem to quiet my mind.”
“I have tried for a long time. It’s not easy.”
“One needs to arrive to a certain stage in life before one can really meditate. It takes a lot of preparation.”
“All who say it is easy, do so after they have struggled and luckily got it. That is not me.” :) etc etc.

Sound familiar? And believe me when I say, I SO get you.
I was you.
Ahem. To be precise that part of me is still like you!

Let me elaborate.

The mind that we are so familiar with as a “me” — this constant thinking mind. It is a phenomenon. It is something we experience ourselves as. It is NOT something we innately are.
To know that “I am not my thinking mind. I am not the thoughts that whirl around me, as if in my head. As if “I” am thinking.” is the first and actually last step to realizing the liberation we already are!

I am not my thoughts. I AM that which is observing the thoughts.
I AM the awareness that is aware of thoughts.
When I am not aware that I AM observing thoughts — the I/mind naturally translates that as ‘these are my thoughts.’
And in that moment — I appear to be unconscious of my truer nature as awareness.
Naturally then in forgetting, I experience becoming and moving as the whirling stream of thoughts as if they are ‘me’.

This is a phenomenon.
This phenomenon of being lost as the linear conceptual thinking state of vibratory consciousness is a dual state of mind.
A ‘Dwaparayuga’ state of mind-time-space-reality that moves then only as the illusion of a past/future.
And the great news being, a Dwaparayuga state of consciousness can be transcended INSTANTLY — knowing, there is NOTHING to transcend or do! I AM not the thought paradigm that moves as the familiar body-thinking mind-world of duality.

When we enter any space and especially when we do so for meditation, this is a key understanding that can shift things instantly for us. This is the one thing that changes EVERYTHING.

  • We can then enter with a beginner’s state of mind, a zen mind. A no-mind. Not because it is something we have to DO or make happen but knowing that whatever may appear to happen or not — I already AM innately not that moving mind.
    I AM. Eternally empty, aware, and Zen! :)
    It’s my already present innate unchangeable and untouchable nature.
  • This allows us to not only enter meditation but all spaces in life without needing anything to be different than what it is. We do not need anything to happen. Although happening may continue to appear to happen. We now clearly sense and know, that no matter what is experienced, I already AM. Awareness.
  • Secondly, and one may even say most importantly, is that this allows us to be at ease!
    An ease that we already are!
    We realize how all the doing and experiencing at the level of the dual body-thinking personal mind-world is a constant moving phenomenon. A state of mind that is un-ease.
    A Dwapara state of consciousness is simply a play and dance that allows us to experience the fragmented state of as if being two.
    I notice as I move as these thoughts there is always a constant interpretation or narration of some kind.
    An inner voice that is constantly seeing and offering a commentary that is only a reflection of the conditioned world it has lived.
    This is right or wrong. This should or shouldn’t be. I like this and I do not like that. I have to do this or maybe not. That which happened was good but this is bad…etc etc…
    It does not matter what arises. Even with the joyful and exciting thoughts — the chatter is incessant, isn’t it?
    The more we try to control or change it, the more we find ourselves entangled in and with it.
    Our focus and attention on it is what seems to give it more power.

This state of mind CANNOT be still. It’s not its/my nature.
Phew! Lucky to now know that I AM (in this context) is not this thinking mind!
Oh, no wonder so much energy is wasted in a way when playing in/as this state of consciousness!
Seeing this with clarity is like walking through a shortcut portal that is an instant doorway to living and experiencing the undefinable liberation, love, joy, and peace I already AM!
Just like how that coffee table in my living room is allowed to be — I simply allow this thought stream to be.
Be happy, Thought. You do your thang while I do..or be mine! ✌️Peace!

And so, if we need to, we begin with this one prompt as we move through the day. It is only in the moment that I am unaware that I be-live that I am these running thoughts and emotions that appear to dance as my body-mind-world.
If these thoughts do not serve or help me then why engage?
I always have the choice.

Staying aware. And the body is a powerful tool in this play.
As we know, no aspect of any state of mind is inherently good, bad, right, or wrong.
It is all about how are we experiencing life.
That is our choice.
And the body is the perfect tool to sense this.
See thoughts as dishes kept on a dining table.
Hmm…how does this thought taste?
Yummy? Not? Does it feel expansive in the body?
Does my heart align with it with a YES!?
Stay with it in silence for a bit to get a deeper sense. Play with it. Meet it.
Tell me, love. What you are. Show me your face.
And this blessed beautiful magnificient body of ours will reveal.
In obvious and subtle ways.
Our breath will reveal.
An inner softer knowing will whisper. Or it may shout.
Stay. Allow.
And meanwhile, all this is happening in the all-allowing space that is I AM.
Already. Eternally. NOW. Liberated. Free.
This is the key “I AM already” point that we need to be aware and as.
This kind of meditation as embodied awareness can be extremely helpful but only when we first and foremost stand as awareness itself.
Identity. Is. Everything.

Ultimately, this is what allows for the dawning of discernment and we see the nature, conditions, and stories the familiar thinking mind weaves. And that which the body holds as patterns.
We finally arrive at seeing we need not engage, control, figure out, or even manage this limiting stream of thought!
Or anything else for that matter.
Unless of course, I choose to do and play as so!

Ultimately, I already AM. Meditation.
Heck, one may say, I already AM. Self. Realized!
(Whatever that may mean to each mind.)

Self Realization is not something we arrive at.
It is not something that belongs to the dimension of the the body-thinking mind-world that moves.
It is therefore not something we gain, attain, or can do.
That which I AM. Already IS!
I don’t have to make “love, joy, peace ..” happen.
Although the illusory experience of making these is fun too! ;)
I AM. It Is. Already. (My) True Nature.
I AM. Eternally all ready.
No matter what may appear at the level of the body-thinking mind-world — it all simply appears on the ground of aware being — I AM.

And this freedom and liberation has no opposite.
It does not come and go.
It is that which allows all things to come and go.
Ah, and true freedom of course, first and foremost allows all freedom.
And this freedom is स्वतंत्रSwa-Tantra.
It is not and does not belong to the dimension that plays the dual game of freedom and bondage.
This simple IS. Instant. I AM.
A.k.a — no practice needed.

Meditation is knowing. A gnoing. Beingness.
There is no doing or practicing meditation in the way the dual-thinking mind thinks of it.
Whatever the experience of meditation may be…
Pure experiencing.

So a BIG congratulations to you and me! Yay!
We didn’t know we were always meditating!
Wow, and that means we are natural at it already! ;)
We are stillness amidst movement. Silence amidst all noise!
To celebrating that.
To celebrating us!

For/as now, grateful for being. ❤

— — — — — — -

This is a part of an inspired “2024 — I already AM “ blog series.
The INSTANT and ALREADY PRESENT shortcut understanding to EVERYTHING we (think we)need.
Beyond time. Beyond practice. Beyond experience.
2024 — Living as Treta and Satyayuga state of mind.
In this series, we will explore many common topics and see how “I already AM. ALL already IS”
(And you are welcome to send me anything that may be simmering for you as well!)
These blogs and including other practical helpful tips from my own living and exploration will eventually be shared via my newsletter so if this resonates, I’d love for you to be a part of it so we can journey together!

Click here to sign up for the newsletter. It’s absolutely free.
And always will be — just like you and me!:)
We ALREADY are — what we need, loves.
And life, as they say, is eternally an appearance of new beginnings-endings!
Hint, hint…There is so much more fun things yet to know, be and come!
I AM. An eternal celebration!

To celebrating an awakened body-mind-world.
Till we connect again.
So much love!



Supriya Kini
Supriya Kini

Written by Supriya Kini

An avid consciousness explorer of the Mind-Body-Spirit Self and advocate of living the life that we are, in and as Awareness. www.supriyakini.com

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