Not all dreams are created equal.
A year ago, around this time, I was reading this fantastic book, “The Soul of Money” by the remarkable Lynne Twist.
Lynne is a pioneering global visionary, the Co-Founder of The Pachamama Alliance, Bestselling Author of The Soul of Money, and the President of the Soul of Money Institute.
The book and her words held me in a spell of sorts.
A spell that continues to weave it’s magic in me today.
A spell when distilled comprises of only three simple words.
Today, as I walk some of the well-worn trails right here in Austin, the winds I hear echo what feels familiar.
As my bare feet fall on the muddy pebble strewn path of the very same land on which the beloved Natives walked, I hear long forgotten voices whisper.
There is much yet to come.
I don’t have any idea of the tangible whats or hows.
All I know as I feel the freshly sprouting oak scented breeze on my gratitude damp cheeks is that the time is NOW.
It always has been.
But it is even more so now.
The ground on which we stand is damp, rich, and fertile for the solemn sacrament of sowing all that we choose to sow.
The current time of radical change and destabilization can be the start of a holy pilgrimage if we choose to see it so.
A gift of a rare opportunity.
What are you sensing?
What is the purpose of your undulating existence here at this time?
What magnificent abiding unprecedented dream are you envisioning?
Is it already here?
Can you see it?
We dreamed of a world where we would have the luxury of time. To slow down. Have more moments with ourselves and our dear ones. Have space to stop and reflect on what we hold so dear hidden in the deepest nooks of our hearts. A time to envision a different self, collective and the world at large.
Expansive Time.
Here it is.
We dreamed of a time where pollution would decrease. We would have cleaner air, and we could take a leisure walk in nature without the constant hum of machines and cars. The bustling of Life would include the thundering clouds, swaying trees, rapturous ever crawling and exploring critters, and animals. The birds would come back and sing their song. All a reflection of a harmonious existence.
Nature in balance.
Here it is.
We dreamed of a world where we recognized and celebrated the leader in everyone and not only those who held titles, qualifications, large amounts of money in their banks or had a certain number of followers. The grocery shop helpers, the person who collects carts outside the store, the lady who is wiping down equipment, the medical healthcare providers and the farmer who still continues to till his land to grow our food are our holy grail today.
Spiritual stewardship.
Here it is.
Our souls somewhere dreamed to live the Life unimaginable. Change feels uncontrollable and scary and yet a part of us craves to drop our well worn armors and trust our inner guidance. This asks for courage and faith. We want to truly play and explore. To experience the gifts of a life fully lived and explored in the unknown, knowing we stand for Life itself as it stands for us.
A Life of faith and fortitude.
Here it is.
We dreamed to live a conscious life of awareness. To have a greater understanding of the nature of who we are and our emotions, thoughts, beliefs. Fully capable of responding from alignment vs reacting from fear. Forever evolving. The kids and family are in close quarters now for an extended period of time.;) The rumors of fears amplified ask what will it take to navigate these uncharted waters as we have fewer ways to distract ourselves.
Opportunity for growth and a time for practice.
Here it is.
We dreamed of a world where each soul would see and know the gift and the value of who they were in this world. Each one’s presence, energy, intention, skills, offerings creating an organic fair exchange barter system. We breathing life back into the understanding that we are interdependent. In the spirit of service, groups are self-organizing. Proactivists are naming their missions. People are sharing and helping one another in ways like never before.
Generosity in community.
Here it is.
We knew there was a larger purpose for the Age of Technology and all the leading edge innovations. People are now connecting despite the physical disconnection. We are all being creative with finding solutions that will work in these times. People are listening, seeing and helping. We are using the tools we have in hand in ways that serve the greater good.
Conscious beings in inspired aligned action.
Here it is.
The marketplaces are closed. The buzz of being in the thralls of the “more is better” is showing up as a clear inherent inner pattern. We continue to pursue to look for the happiness and the safety we seek externally.
The mass illusion is loosening its grip and so many are starting to see the light through half opened eyes. The old structures will not serve anymore.
Awakening to our patterns and the truth of our crumbling systems.
Here it is.
All this is available for us to see and experience NOW.
The possibilities are unfolding every moment giving new meaning to coming back home.
How are we choosing to define these times?
Not all dreams are created equal.
Since what is not yet here is fluid and malleable, what bolder, bigger, and seemingly unbelievable dream of a paradigm shifting possibility can we call forth?
Can we sit still for a moment and hear and honor the original dream as well?
The dream that dreamed our Gaia and in turn dreamed the collective us and all that is.
It’s a sacred time to illumine ourselves.
To dare to travel within so we may dream the dream never ever imagined before.
Or rather, a time to recognize and connect with the one who truly dreams the dream that is in formation now so we can choose to align to it.
This is the wholeness we are seeking.
What we seek is who we are.
Not all dreams are created equal.
In the spirit of Pachamama Alliance, may we change the modern dream so we can create a world that is spiritually fulfilling, socially just, environmentally and economically sustainable and driven by the collective of our conscious human presence.
Thank you for playing your part.
With much love ❤
More on Lynne Twist
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