Using the power of the Autumnal Equinox to navigate the times ahead.

Supriya Kini
7 min readSep 23, 2020

Equinox descends from aequus, the Latin word for “equal,” and nox, the Latin word for “night, signaling that as the Sun crosses the celestial equator today, we will experience a balanced day and night of 12 hours each.
The Equinoxes are turning points in the solar cycle of the seasons. During these two points of the year, the Earth’s axis is at 0° to the Sun.

In Sanskrit, the Equinox is Viṣuva — विषुव.

अयने विषुवे कुर्याह्यतीपाते दिनक्षये
Ayane viṣuve kuryāhyatīpāte dinakṣaye.
- Bhāg. 7.14.2

The first point of Aries or Libra into which the Sun enters at the vernal or autumnal Equinox, the equinoctial point.
The astronomical event of Equinox or Visuva happens twice a year. Once in Spring and once in Autumn. In springtime during March in the Northern hemisphere, this Equinox is called the Vernal or Spring Equinox. Now in Autumn, we are experiencing our Autumnal or Fall Equinox today.

So why should this matter to us at this time?

The skies are grey. The temperatures have dipped a bit.
A light breeze is coming on. The initiation of the Sun sign Libra brings us all the invitation to find balance, prosperity, and beauty in all our internal and external relationships.
As you look around in Nature, you find her signaling to us of the changes coming ahead. It is, in many ways, a time of preparation. We need to get our warmer clothes and shoes out for the shorter days and longer cool nights ahead. Change our routines. Plant our winter crop.
The dynamic element of this time is Air.

Through lightness, we shall find our way to liberation, she whispers.

What is our nature?

By connecting to Mother Nature we are all are reminded that while the perceived world of the outer seems to be in a flux of the imbalance, this is in fact a rich and fertile time for transformation.
A time to sense how at the deepest level, equanimity (Libra’s sign of balance) is the basis of all things in Nature and Life.
The imbalance that we see and sense in the external is a reflection of our veiled Mind. All we encounter is a reflection of our own collective nature. We fear what we don’t know and understand.

As tilted as things may or may not go in the days ahead, this time calls us to take a moment to anchor into the truth — The Sun — who symbolizes the omnipresent light that shines within us all.
No matter how it may seem from afar, the Sun never comes and goes. It is the Earth that moves around. This world of matter symbolizes our limited transient self, whose very nature is change.
When we identify ourselves with the symbol of the omnipresent “Ra” Sun, we wake up to our truth — we are the unchanging endless source of the universal Self and all Life.

A time of balance

The Autumn Equinox of 2020 arrives this year especially as a reminder for the balance that is needed in our Feminine and Masculine energies.
Today is a perfect time for deep contemplation.
Are you speaking and living your truth?
Do you hold and walk in your integrity?
What do you need to let go?
What parts of you are in season and blossoming?
How do you dance with deep connection while holding your sacred boundaries?
Where is your joy leading you?

This day of equanimity of the dark and light truly offers us a rare respite. What part are we called to play in reconciling the extreme polarities we see in us and the world today?
We are and can choose to be the fulcrum of the wheel of balance that brings the union we crave for.

As Nature steps into the restful lap of Fall, she invites us to take some time away from the bustling world of the Body-Mind. The invitation is to steep ourselves in gratitude for what we have been given. Through reflection and restorative practices such as journaling, meditation, mindfulness, and Yoga, we remind ourselves that it is possible to experience the peace we already are within.

The gift of ancient wisdom

The ancient knowledge of Ayurveda reminds us that as the days get shorter and the nights get longer, these outer changes affect our bodies and doshas as well. The energizing heaty pitta will lower, and the lighter, highly kinetic Vata may now have more dominance on our Body-Mind. Setting routines that nourish and balance us at this time is highly recommended.

Eating warm and freshly cooked food in the day with spices can help aid digestion. Ginger, Cinnamon, Cumin, Pepper, and Cloves are beneficial. Refrain from consuming foods that are heavy and greasy. Avoid Vata producing gassy vegetables such as potatoes, cauliflower, eggplant, and peas. Consume more greens and root based veggies in warm soups and stews. Keep food and life simple.

As things fall to the ground.

The practice of Grounding goes a long way to help us stay healthy in these times.

  • Take long mindful walks in Nature.
  • Massage your scalp and feet every night with warming oils such as Sesame and Mustard. This ritual counteracts the drying effect of Vata and helps keep the skin moist and supple.
  • Rub the soles of your feet on an acupressure roller or stone. It helps warm our soles and aids in anchoring the “flighty” light Vata prana.
  • In regards to our Chakras, the lower three chakras are connected to our human experience on this physical plane and help ground us to our reality so we may experience our spirit in this body. Simple yogic practices can ground the Root, Sacral, and the Solar Plexus chakras. My personal favorite poses of Kundalini yoga for this purpose are the Mooladhar activating Spinal Flex, the Svadishthana energizing Sufi Grind, and the Manipura powering Leg Lifts!
    Find the resources below.

We are vibrating sound.

The power of the MANTRAS. If you would like to explore the magic of sound and the effect it has on our Mind-Body, this is a wonderful time to chant some Mantras and experience it for yourself. We are also in the Adhik/Purushottam Maas currently. A powerful time to reflect and initiate new structures and disciplines. More on Adhik Maas to follow soon.

The Maha (Great) Mantra
हरे कृष्ण हरे कृष्ण कृष्ण कृष्ण हरे हरे
हरे राम हरे राम राम राम हरे हरे
Hare Kṛṣṇa Hare Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa Hare Hare
Hare Rāma Hare Rāma Rāma Rāma Hare Hare

Chanting the Maha Mantra has shown to have astounding effects on the Mind-Body in a study by the University of Florida. Students who chanted this Mantra regularly experienced significant differences in their stress levels. Especially the ones who suffered from depression.

This time is also a preparatory time for the upcoming Navratri next month when we celebrate Shakti in all her glorious forms. The Durga/Chamundi Mantra is another powerful Autumnal mantra.

Durga Mantra
ॐ ऐं ह्रीं क्लीं चामुण्डायै विच्चे
Om Aim Hreem Kleem Chamundaye Viche
We seek Blessings from Mother Durga, who has forms of Saraswati(Giver of Knowledge), Mahalaxmi (Giver of Wealth), Mahakali (Giver of Justice), to give us a Shield of strength and energy to untangle ourselves from the knots of negativity and evil from our Mind and Body.

The Kundalini Yoga Mantras that primarily have the word “Har” are very beneficial for these times. As per the Gurbani, chanting “Har” dissolves all and every internal or external block, we may encounter in life. Har is the name of God who resides in us. Har also means the present and all that is.

Har. Hreem. Hare.

I am finding the combination of “Ha” and “Ra” to be very dynamic and powerful in my experience.
The sound of “Ha” signifies Shiva, the unmanifested Consciousness. The sound of “Ra” is the Sun God in Egyptian and believed to rule all parts of the created world, which is Shakti herself, the manifested Consciousness.

We cannot even utter the word “Ha” without engaging our belly. The beej mantra “Ha” seems to initiate the nirguna dormant seed of Shiva from the Manipura Chakra. When combined with the rolling of the “Ra” at the tip of our tongue, this Mantra awakens and brings forth the manifested Shakti into the world through and as the power of the Vāk (The Word).

The sounds of “Ha” and “Ra” change and realign our bodies, and we start reverberating at a different frequency. The chanting of this mantra balances and activates the Manipura chakra’s energy helping us shine our inner Sun radiantly. It also purifies and transforms us. This transformation naturally shows up and is seen in the world as courage, which is the roopa (form) of Maa Durga herself.
Our Body-Mind automatically moves out of the paradigm of fear and scarcity. She is the creator and her presence in us, as us, brings prosperity all around.
Such is the power of this Shakti Mantra.

Equinox time offers us the gift of time so we may see with clarity what needs to be seen. The ability to create our own new inner and outer reality is present within each one of us right now.
The seed lies dormant within, waiting to be called forth!

May we use this time given wisely.
May we can take the time to thank the Divine in all forms for the bounty showered on us.
May we recognize that love, light, joy, and all that we seek outside is our very nature.
May we continue to honor our humanity and divinity as we bless the world.
So it is. And so it shall be.

Wishing all a very happy Autumnal Equinox today and a wonderful Fall season ahead!

Resources -

The Maha Mantra study —

Here are a few “Har” mantras from the Kundalini yoga lineage.

Basic Kundalini Yoga Asanas for grounding

Spinal Flex and Sufi Grind you will find here -

Leg Lifts here -



Supriya Kini
Supriya Kini

Written by Supriya Kini

An avid consciousness explorer of the Mind-Body-Spirit Self and advocate of living the life that we are, in and as Awareness.

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