We are living breathing questions.

Supriya Kini
7 min readDec 4, 2020

In a world where answers are sought and celebrated, I am arriving at the realization of the profound meaning of steeping in the depth of our questions.

For me, questions are not anymore just simple doubts of a confused Mind to be solved or rationalized. I see them as these nebulous insistent pulses, faint yet roaring, just beneath the skin, rising up moment by moment as if to take a deep breath of life in order to take some shape.
This very impulse of Life, when I allow, entices and leads my inner child, cakecrumb to cakecrumb from one conscious edge of insight to another…creating an ever-expanding map of a world I could never have imagined.
Stay with me it whispers, open, with wide eyes, and come with me to spaces where no light has been shone before.

No mere things these questions, as Rainer Maria Rilke alluded beautifully years ago.
To be able to sense, hold, and be witness to these ordinary miracles we call questions, is now like having a taste of the nectar of the Gods for me.

“Have patience with everything that remains unsolved in your heart. Love the questions themselves, as if they were locked rooms or books written in a very foreign language. Don’t search for the answers, which could not be given to you now, because you would not be able to live them. And the point is to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps then, someday far in the future, you will gradually, without even noticing it, live your way into the answer.” — Rainer Maria Rilke


As I explore yet again I notice how the frequency of this Body-Mind continues to perpetuate the current paradigm we live in.
This conditioned Body-Mind frequency absolutely loves answers.
Its illusory nature finds its solace by grasping what will provide immediate relief and stability.
For most of us who live predominantly unaware that we function in and through this frequency of the Mind, answers naturally feel comfortable and safe.
In our mis-self-identification, these quick arrived at neat answers give us what may feel to our messy unkempt chaotic experience of life like some semblance of order.
In certainty, the fleeting finds it’s existence for a little while longer.

“My existence itself is now at odds with all of Life. “ — The Ego masquerading as identity.

For all of us who find ourselves at the crossroads of life, the deeper question then is that does this way of being and relating with ourselves and the world serve our innate thirst and curious expression of existence?
Context matters. When asking for functional, technical questions, answers are simple, clear, and maybe available and needed immediately.
But when it comes to human conditioning and exploration though, questions seem to get us much further and deeper, especially than the “this is how it is” kind of answers which come as defined static rules and guidelines that we are to follow on moral and ethical grounds.

In the world, we watch leaders, parents, teachers, magazines, all offer wonderful, inspiring, befitting answers to all kinds of questions.
When inspired, I admit I very much do too!
To not share what I deeply feel or have seen working like magic is not something I’m very good at keeping to myself. :)
But truth be told, the more I dig deeper, I find this type of answer and advice-giving rarely serving. Or rather that it only serves the individual Ego that is giving it and the collective Ego that is feeding off it.


Words felt and uttered as questions are invitations that welcome us into explorations of the wilderness of ourselves.
They arise in and to the undulating human condition tickling our curiosities and imagination.
A clear, present, open Body-Mind can hold these questions without the insistence that anything be something else than what it already is.
This kind of receiving and holding of sometimes what can feel larger than “me” questions can initially feel like radical courage when we begin.
Conversations with others where we accept, receive, and step into this presence field is committing to a sacred liminal space of sororal co-creation. As we simply sit with the questions, we…the questions are deeply seen and felt.
Notice and we may find, the words of the questions reveal much of the nuanced content as much as they do the energy that is embodied by the questioner.

The “why?” of our question — “why is this happening to me?” brings into this space not only our pulsating alive desire to find a solution but also the visceral experience of our relation to it that has us feeling disempowered.
In comparison, we see the “How?” question — “How may I navigate this?” on the other hand clearly holding another energy. In possibility, there is no place where the circumstance or situation is outside of ourselves. Engagement is inherent.Our active role and participation in co-creation are a given.
There only may perhaps be the assumption that there is a right or best way.

Either way, the magical magnificent beauty of questions is that it always stays true to the energy we hold in the present moment.
Revealing the current whirlpools in and of our Mind-Body realm.
The quality of the reflections and the answers we receive always match the resonant energy of the questions asked.
The deeper the space we come from, the deeper the questions and their resulting answers.

“Questions are the blueprint of our present moment energy. “


We, humans, are a curious and a peculiar breed I must say.
We deeply desire answers and yet I see from my personal and work experience that even when we receive it, we rarely are able to embody or use it to our best ability.
I often joke that if finding answers was the solution to all our problems, Google would be our guru!

“An answer that arises as insight from within is ten thousand times brighter, righter, and mightier than any answer offered by an external source.”

Basically, The Mind may love shortcuts but most often than not, true, relevant, applicable knowledge that meets and serves us exactly where and how we are, somehow seems to arrive only through these inner pathways.
And please note in saying this I am in no way insinuating that external timely advice given through presence is not effective. Everything plays a part at some level.

But the answers, insights, and reflections that travel from the dark caverns of our inner being coming into the light of our conscious awareness are the ones that we seem to naturally remember and embody best. When fully received through the visceral experience of our whole being, these insights somehow also seem to stick the most and more importantly build one of the master key “inner muscles” of life - Self trust.
This process is akin to Joseph Campbell’s “The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek”.

There also lies a paradox in this process. Though staying and seeking through these questions is necessary in order for us to proceed, one may notice that paradoxically at the same time, the unraveling or revealing of its story happens at its own pace.
You cannot rush the answers. It has its own divine timing.
The light of true insight arises from somewhere beyond the Body-Mind state. An unpredictable and unexpected quality that many call Grace.

Do you feel the juice trickling deliciousness of this journey?
And yes, it also means we need to be ok with what may feel like the murkiness and muckiness of it all a little longer.
Something that The Mind obviously doesn’t prefer.

“The only way — in or out — is through”
- An adaptation of the famous line by poet Robert Frost


In and as awareness, it is very apparent that WE ARE our living breathing questions. Constantly in motion, giving birth to fresh Life that we bring forth into manifestation through our sacred Body-Minds.

As I revel and fall in love again with these mullovable ever-expansive ubiquitous questions that reveal themselves in my silent and spoken conversations, I am naturally moved to experiencing more of it as I invite others to shared spaces where we may be with them.
Always reminding myself, may we allow and witness the beauty of our questions as sacred threads from which the tapestry of life designs and creates itself within and around each one of us.
May every question that arises, be held, seen, and offered with devotion back to the source it awoke from.
And a dream...
That may we in our aware identity as these living breathing questions, lead the next frontier of evolution that we sense ahead.

A Standard P.S — Life is ineffable and words can be limiting. Especially when it comes to all these topics that I continue to explore. My desire to keep things practical often feels futile when I try to translate these explorations and experiences into form. And yet I am compelled to try. This human experience is complex. Paradoxes are a given. Setting context sure helps. While all the words, stories, and shares matter to me, I am cognizant of the fact that in the end, our unique life experiences are only our lived interpreted truths and that its multifaceted nuances many times cannot really be captured, expressed, or perhaps even understood accurately. One step at a time I stay present in the now and move towards living, embodying it the best I know how and sharing when inspired as an offering to myself and the world.
I welcome all reflections as it’s the questions that really help me dive deeper. If there is one thing in my experience that has shown up constantly as the truth, it is that we grow and evolve most when we take time to self reflect and when we come together in open wholehearted conversations.
If this resonates, I would love to connect with you!
You can message me or find me @

Thank you for taking the time to read!

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Supriya Kini
Supriya Kini

Written by Supriya Kini

An avid consciousness explorer of the Mind-Body-Spirit Self and advocate of living the life that we are, in and as Awareness. www.supriyakini.com

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